Embracing a New Chapter: Sukhasiddhi Foundation's Sacred Journey and the Significance of Saga Dawa

As we enter the sacred month of Saga Dawa, the Sukhasiddhi Foundation sangha embraces a momentous shift in our unfolding. Saga Dawa, one of the four major holidays of the Buddhist calendar, is a time of profoundsignificance as it marks the birth, enlightenment, and parinirvana of Shakyamuni Buddha. It is celebrated in the 4th month of the lunar year and in this year of the Wood Dragon, Saga Dawa spans from May 9th to June 6th. The merit we accumulate during this period and the benefit of our practice and actions are multiplied a hundred thousand times. It is within this auspicious time frame that Sukhasiddhi Foundation embarks on a new chapter in our journey, as the lease for our new center begins during this holy month.

After letting go of our physical space at the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, we transitioned our activities to the virtual realm where we have had the delight and honor of cultivating and nurturing a global sangha of dedicated and sincere practitioners. Over the past three and a half years, this online community has blossomed into a beautiful lotus, born from the challenges of our times. It has not only sustained our community but has also brought depth and richness to our programs and classes. Now, as we stand on the threshold of a new chapter, we seek to integrate our dedicated local sangha that has sustained and made Sukhasiddhi what it is today with our global community in a hybrid format that bridges physical and virtual realms.

Our quest for a brick-and-mortar home has been a journey of perseverance, patience, and discernment spanning two years of careful consideration and prayers to the lineage for guidance. The winding path of our search led us to a beautiful and inspiring space in Novato, California. Standing in this bright and open space, the deep sense of joy and the sense of alignment with the Shangpa lineage and our aspiration to contribute to its rooting in the West is palpable.

While studying, contemplating, and practicing together online is truly a blessing, there is a significance and power to having a physical space that holds and embodies our personal and collective aspirations. As we infuse and empower this space with our sincere and heartfelt practice and intention, it will serve as a vessel that nurtures, supports, and holds the spiritual unfolding of both our local and global community members. It will serve as a grounding force, anchoring us in the present while facilitating a deep sense of belonging and connection as we weave a tapestry of shared experience and mutual support that transcends physical boundaries. Symbolically, our space will reflect the core values and aspirations of Sukhasiddhi Foundation—a commitment to unveil our innate wisdom and compassion in a safe, equitable, and inclusive environment, a commitment to benefit all sentient beings, and our commitment to facilitate the flourishing of the sacred feminine as it manifests through Shangpa lineage - a unique jewel in the wealth of the Vajrayana lineages.

As we prepare to merge our physical and virtual communities, we recognize the importance of inclusivity and accessibility. Integrating online participants into our physical events via platforms like Zoom will be a priority and will help to extend the benefits of physical gatherings to a wider audience. Real-time engagement will continue to provide immediacy and connection. Recorded content will ensure that valuable teachings and insights reach individuals across time zones and circumstances, promoting continuous growth and engagement within our global sangha.

This is an exciting time, and that it aligns with the celestial significance and power of Saga Dawa is affirming. As we approach Saga Dawa Düchen with the full moon of Saga Dawa on May 23rd, it is with hearts especially full of gratitude that we honor Shakyamuni Buddha's profound legacy and teachings. This sacred time and its alignment with Sukhasiddhi Foundation’s new chapter invites us to reconnect with our aspirations, renew our commitment to practice and bodhisattva ideals, and express gratitude for the guidance of the lineage and our teachers, and the support of our spiritual community.

Your support and participation during this potent period contribute significantly to our collective journey. Your practice and generosity sustain Sukhasiddhi Foundation's vision and mission, empowering our return to a physical meeting space and ensuring the continuity of transformative spiritual unfolding for all beings. May our shared aspirations during Saga Dawa radiate boundless compassion, love, and wisdom, touching lives near and far as we navigate this sacred journey together. Saga Dawa greetings to all, as we embark on this auspicious chapter in our spiritual evolution!

From Lama Palden

Dear Friends,

We are so happy about finding a new center! After giving up our beloved center during Covid, it is with great pleasure, that in addition to Zoom, we will be able to meet in person again in our own space. This is the beginning of an exciting new chapter for the Sukhasiddhi Sangha! Our new center is large, and will be very beautiful when it is all set up. In addition to the central big room for meditating and studying, there will be offices, a lama room, a kitchen area, and an additional meeting room. There is a small garden courtyard as well, where people can drink tea and eat, and enjoy the fresh air.

We created an incredibly positive and loving atmosphere in our last center and this really supports people’s practice and lives. It is highly nourishing and uplifting to meditate together, and to study in person together. Close relationships are formed and lifelong friendships blossom. The new center will provide for this. For those of you out of the area, we will have Zoom still available. And, we hope you will come to visit for nonresidential retreats offered by our teachers and visiting teachers, such as Kalu Rinpoche. 

I am so looking forward to seeing each and every one of you in our new space. 

With love,

Lama Palden

Lama Döndrup

Lama Döndrup has been practicing and studying in the Buddhist tradition since the mid-1990’s. After five years of Theravadin Buddhist training, she immersed herself in the teachings and practices of the Shangpa and Kagyu Vajrayana lineages. In 2005, she completed a traditional three-year retreat under the guidance of Lama Palden and Lama Drupgyu with the blessing of her root guru, Bokar Rinpoche and was authorized as a lama. Upon her return to Marin County, she began teaching at Sukhasiddhi Foundation. In January 2020, as Lama Palden’s successor, she stepped into the role of Resident Lama, guiding the Center’s ministerial work. Lama Döndrup’s teaching style is thorough and clear yet with light touch as she supports the natural unfolding of each student’s innate wisdom and compassion. She aims to preserve the authenticity of the tradition while making the teachings and practices relevant and accessible to the lives of 21st century Westerners. In addition to her Buddhist practice, Lama Döndrup trained the Ridhwan School’s Diamond Approach for seven years and has a Masters of Fine Arts degree in piano performance. She is an active classical pianist and teacher in the San Francisco Bay Area.


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