Summer Reading for Children & Teens: July

Looking for some titles to bring along on your summer travels? We asked Sukhasiddhi board member and Children’s Librarian Alicia Bell if she would share some titles for young children and teens that explore the Buddhist themes of compassion, joy, and kindness. Her first set of recommendations include Ziji: The Puppy Who Learned to Meditate By Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche and Torey Hayden. Illustrated by Charity Larrison for young readers ages 6-9.

This book, written by Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche, one of the new generation of Tibetan Buddhist masters, will teach your child the basics of meditation in a fun and engaging way. Included after the story is a guide for parents and teachers with more information on what meditation is and how it can be helpful as well as suggestions on how children can continue to practice meditation on their own. - from the publisher Wisdom Publications

Alicia’s selection for teens is The Self-Compassionate Teen: Mindfulness & Compassion Skills to Conquer Your Critical Inner Voice and the companion workbook, The Self Compassion Workbook for Teens, both written by Karen Bluth PhD.

Learning to believe in yourself means being aware of the self-critical voice inside you, and then discovering how to not take it so seriously. With this book, you’ll learn how self-compassion can actually be a much greater motivator for reaching your goals than self-criticism. In fact, being kind to yourself when you’re struggling can actually reduce stress and make you more resilient!

So, stop beating yourself up, and start reading this book. You have an important friend to make—you!

- from the author’s website


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